A Collaboration of Minds

Time Perspective

Posted in j33f by j33f on July 29, 2010

Time doesn’t truly exist. We all live in the current moment and we forever will. The past is just ghosts and the future only fantasies. Tomorrow will never come.

I’ve been trying to live in the moment.  I think as students, we are relentlessly trained to struggle in the present for a brighter future.  We ceaselessly chase those dreams and desires, forfeiting the “now” for the “someday”.  Well, I’m not here to tell you that this is all wrong; I’m just here to ponder about a better way to go about doing your thing.   No one can live completely in the past, present or future, and so what is the best mixture to focus on?  Stanford psychiatrist Philip Zimbardo proposes that we keep the positive aspects of the past, focus on present hedonism, while maintaining a future oriented perspective.

By finding and maintaining such a balance between the past, present and future, we can keep our focus on the moment without sacrificing the quality of our future.  I feel that this is a pretty big issue for myself, and anyone else who is considering devoting any more of their lives to their education, as this is the purest form of living in the future.  However, the nature of all things renders the future forever fantastic.  We will be chasing one fantasy or another as long as we live, so we must learn to put things into truer perspective and turn our attention to the present.

No matter how I sprint, time will outrun me.  The past and future should be kept in mind to remind you of what the big picture is.  Lessons from the past serve as a guide for the present.  Dreams for the future serve as the path for the present.  But the best way to arrive at the future is to walk down the path enjoying every step along the way.

With that in mind, let’s make the best out of the few weeks left of summer.  I’ve compiled the availability of the members of the fellowship that have responded so far here.  If you haven’t responded yet, try to check off what dates you’ll be available on, and we can try to work something out.  I’m pretty flexible since the furthest I’ll be is Berkeley.  I have enjoyed reading thekoalaz’s post about hiking and nature, and feel inspired to go out and explore before the summer is over.  So, along those lines, and if our schedules permit, we should either go climb half-dome, explore the California coast, find some other national park that is close by, etc.  Post ideas in the comments if you think of something good.

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8 Responses

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  1. richardqhill said, on July 29, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    Man, watching those doodles is mesmerizing haha

    I’d say it’s practical to be future oriented but if you constantly make plans, then your life will be quite dull 😛
    But I guess you could plan to not plan? lol

    According to the doodle, I won’t be available to hike with you guys 😦
    Half dome was a lot of fun though! Make sure to avoid mosquitoes though.. wearing clothes than covers the body is better than just repellent. During 15 hours of hiking, my muscles were fine but two mosquito bites I got on my calf and forearm WERE SO FREAKING ANNOYING.

  2. richardqhill said, on July 29, 2010 at 10:25 pm

    and woah, I was reading some EMT stuff and it brought me to this video..


    These peeps have a lot of good stuff

    • thekoalaz said, on July 30, 2010 at 3:54 pm

      Common Purpose is a pretty good book I read recently on some of the stuff discussed here. Also Mavericks at Work is an interesting read as well. If you want I can lend these to you.

      • richardqhill said, on August 1, 2010 at 11:08 pm

        I would like to borrow those books 🙂

        On a side note, one the RSA videos has Slavoj Zizek speaking on capitalism,

        who I actually saw at UCLA for a guest lecture. From what I gather, he is a very popular man in Europe, but he is quite odd. He had a debate with someone about whether or not some philosopher was an anti-philosopher. His ideas were all very interesting, but his presentation is very… sniffly. Hahahaha

    • j33f said, on August 3, 2010 at 3:51 pm

      I enjoyed that video. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Orange said, on July 29, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    Nice post and video. I think I’m currently living in a mix of the past and present, with only a tiny hint of the future. It’s probably slowly killing me off (mentally that is), as I’m really not sure what to do with myself in the future.

    And all this talk of past, present and future reminded me of this video:

    I’ve seen too many crazy videos of this guy, so he came to mind almost immediately… >.< It's random, I know. 😀

  4. shazzerchen said, on August 2, 2010 at 6:43 am

    I really liked that video Jeff. Where do you find these?? I think that as a long-term student you are focusing on the future, but if you enjoy learning what you are studying in school then that is living in the present no?

    • j33f said, on August 3, 2010 at 3:53 pm

      I find a lot of stuff from reddit.com.

      I guess that means we’re living in the present then 😉

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